These fish were used for the Amazon Prime show ‘Mad Dogs’. The idea was that there is a gland that these fish secrete that when ingested places people into a dream like state. We had reservoirs that we could inject a food safe liquid for the actors.
These were made for a Red Robin commercial. The idea is that a fisherman is attacked by flying Piranha’s. Using small plates we created mounting pieces and covered them with silicone skin appliances so that is looked as if the fish were hooked into the skin. We then operated them via cable and spring control for a wiggle movement.
Created for the new television show ‘Magnum P.I’ this big tuna was used for smuggling drugs. Found in a freezer and opened up to reveal the criminal enterprise. These were silicone skinned and urethane props.
Jason, Mike and the crew at Autonomous have been, and continue to be, excellent partners in creating the world of Stan Against Evil. And when I say obscure stuff like, “It should have sort of a Paul Blaisdell feel,” they instantly know what I’m talking about.
Jason and his team understand that creativity trumps all, while always understanding the budget and schedule. I love working with them.
Over the course of my many experiences with Jason Collins and Autonomous masterminding the prosthetic and creature effects on my shows I am his biggest fan. His artistry, ingenuity and knowledge seem to know no boundaries. Also, he is a helluva lot of fun to work with!